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A new approach to community-driven redevelopment and infill development

Turning vacant, abandoned, and dilapidated buildings and vacant lots into community-driven projects supporting attainable housing, community commons, creative spaces, entrepreneurship, and local agriculture.

Short Intro to Authentic Redevelopment

Short Intro to Authentic Redevelopment

The Goal

Authentic Redevelopment aims to transform the millions of perpetually disused spaces (brownfield, abandoned, dilapidated) into vibrant, creative community land portfolios.


We want to create community real estate investment cooperatives that take a holistic, portfolio-wide approach to restoring properties, generating infill development, and catalyzing community and economic life.  Rather than focus on one type of land use (i.e., housing), Authentic Redevelopment encourages a diversity of land uses that are mutually supportive.  Community Land Trusts (CLTs) may be used to keep property purchase prices attainable in perpetuity while also improving real estate values across neighborhoods through the rehabilitation of neglected properties and lots.

For more interactive videos about Authentic Redevelopment, be sure to check out the "In Depth" tab.
Buying a House

The Motto

Build the society you always wanted to see in the shadows of the old one.

Six Land Recycling Principles

Stabilize declining neighborhoods through value centralization.
Protect against gentrification and encourage broad-based investment using local real estate investment cooperatives and/or community land trusts (CLTs).
Encourage creative output and entrepreneurial action through embedded support networks.
Encourage collective self-sufficiency in times of human capital disinvestment.
Restore a sense of personal control and authentic connection among residents.
Work with communities to co-design all projects and serve local needs to the fullest.
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